Have you ever have the sad feeling without any reason? I just finished my exams, was so happy straight after my last paper. Then it only took 2 hours for that joy to disappear. I went for some groceries in that evening with my friends and then badminton with the Malaysian Society. Something is missing, something is missing today, what was it I thought within. No answers till now though.
After a warm bath, I got out my devotion book and my bible. Just reading it through, asking God, why do I feel this sudden sadness in me? Everything is going on well, nothing is out of place at this moment, I should be rejoicing for tonight I do not have to study, no ships, no numbers, no sea…
Just then as I was asking God, my friend sms, “U ok?”. The first thing that came to my mind was, “God, You’re efficient, I just asked and you told my friend how I feel?” Then I was thinking again, “This friend might have six sense.” Then again, I remembered, I tried to call in the evening and the phone call was not answered, hence the return call. But God is good, He’ll send someone for you to talk to, someone that have some praise reports to share, someone that will just call to encourage.
But Lord, how can my friends understand what I’m feeling inside, when I myself cannot understand. I put down the phone, then I started talking to God. I said, “Lord, I do not know what is going on, I do not even know how to pray about this, I’ll let me spirit intercede for me k.” Then I was speaking in the spirit and tears started to flow, all I can think of is that “Thank you Lord for always being there”
Who can understand when you suddenly start crying without much reason? Who can be there always, to give you this warm comfort? Who can be there to hear the sadness in your joyful voice? Who can see the emptiness behind that cheerful smile?
One thing good about God is that He’ll always be there for you. You just have to believe it. He’s a friend that will be there 24/7 for you and not expect much in return, He’s a father that will provide suitable advice at the right time, He’s a shepherd that will led us to the green pasture and protect us from all evil and harm, He’s that lamb that came in humility and gave His all for us, He’s from the rich and famous and yet wants to spend time with us.
Thank you Lord, thanks for just being there, thanks for the chance to know You.
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