“Lord please, please let me know my specific purpose here, so that I can work towards it, so that Your name will be glorified even more. Please Lord, I’m listening now, speak to me, anytime, I’m waiting here.”
I cried out to the Lord for several days about this, I really wanted to find my specific purpose here. Some of my friends, even in the early age, can say “My calling is in Malaysia”, another, “My calling is in Asia”, another “My calling is to equip myself for these few years and then go there and go back to my country…”, another “My calling is in the kingdom (market place)”, etc.
I asked God to give me a specific purpose, so that I’ll able to work towards it. I keep on asking Him to speak to me, “speak to me, speak to me, I’m listening, speak to me like You speak to Samuel, I need an audible voice from you Lord, so that I can be sure.”
But then, sooner, I realized, in Psalm 119:105 “Your WORD is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” READ YOUR BIBLE!!! It will guide you!!! Yes, I have been reading my bible consistently, but not remembering it, not taking it very seriously. I have a good “tour/journey guide” all these while, all I need to do is to follow it closely, study it, put my heart into it!
God will lead us, but STEP BY STEP. When Jesus performed His first miracle in the wedding, He gave the servants directions, a step at a time. “Fill the jars with water”, then they filled them to the brim. “Now, draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet”, and they did so. Then when the master of the banquet tasted the water that have turned into wine…
God will reveal His plan in our life to us. In Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you.. Plans to give you hope and a future” He has a plan for us. He will reveal it to us step by step, as we follow it like the servants in the banquet, and we wait patiently, following the plan, then we’ll be able to see the wonderful plan unfold.
When Jesus was sent to the earth, He did not tell his disciple on day one about His whole journey here would be. It was slowly revealed to them.
He will not ask us to run till He knows that we are able to stand. He will not give us more responsibility until we can handle what we have in our hands first.
I guess His plan for me now is to learn His words by heart, serve faithfully in the little things in church, do well in my studies, pray for people, and just enjoy life.
I have to get ready, so that one day, when I actually have a more specific plan revealed to me, I will be well equip and able to go all out for Him.
There’s a time for everything.
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