Life is a journey that all must go through. But not all will go through it the way they want it to be.
There might be people that we want to please but can never do so, people that we never want to meet but are always in our life everyday of our life, people that we want to be with but hardly meet, there might be people that we want to spend more time with but never got the chance. Well, all are there for a reason, to test us, to build us, to encourage us, or just for us to have a good pass time.
“Why am I under so much stress?”, question that I often hear. Should the answer be, “Because you chose it!!!” There are people that can multitask, be busy the whole day and yet still find joy and meaning in their life, in what they are doing. But yet, there are people that have everything planned out for them but still complaining and are never satisfied. Why do we complain about work when there are people out there who wakes up without an office to go to. Why do we complain about schools when there are people out there that do not have a school to go to.
Was in prayer meeting yesterday, probably the last one that I’m attending in this church, for this year at least. Many things once again cross my mind. “People in my life that I took forgranted, broken relationships that were never fixed, laziness that causes so much miseries, fear of the future, worries that are never ending, not being good enough, etc.”
The one thing that really struck me is that I have not really given my best. Well, everyone study, but have I studied more then everyone else? Is the best that I’m giving now really the best that I can give? Having to sit through all these exams, one thing troubles me the most is “What if I don’t make it?” Well, I really do not know if that happens. Absolutely no idea.
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? ...... Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:25-34
This passage is no stranger to most, I know that it is true, I believe in it, but sometimes, I just don’t believe in myself.
Well, this place is not that bad after all if you think about it. There are people here that certainly made this place a brighter place to live in. Am really blessed just to get to know them.
As my roommate says, “life goes on”
Well, there are many that come and go, there are some that we will remember, but there are definitely one or two that we will keep in our heart.
Am just thankful and grateful that God has never left me and will never do so, not today, not for the days to come, not one day in the future, I this 3 months I’ll just have to live a life of WWW(worshipping while waiting).
1 comment:
friends are like clouds passing by in our lifes, with or without them we still need to move on with our lives
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