CAL is finally over. 2 years of it, as if I grew old in Taylors College. Well, whether it is worth it or not, we’ll find out on the 10th of August. For now, there are much more ahead.
Well, I went for the first ever GEPC Young Adults Retreat. Okie, initial reason why I went for this camp is because it is an instant ticket out of Subang. Tried to find people to accompany me for this camp, but at last, my very own sister came along with me. I realize that I always get involved in things for the wrong purpose. Second reason why I joined this camp is - “better set myself right at the start of this 3 months holiday”. I wasted a lot of my time in my previous holidays, well, hopefully this one will not be added into the “a waste of time collection”.
No matter what my purposes are, eventually, God has His own set of different purpose for me. He showed me my purpose there. Well, not that I saw a vision or had any dreams about it. It is more of a “wake up call”. This is the most relaxing camp that I even attended. Not much activity were prepared, well, I reached at about 10 pm on Friday while the camp started at 12noon. So I pretty much skipped the Briefing, Ice breaker, Worship for the first day… but I came in time for the first session, even though I was a late.
There were all in all 3 sessions plus a bonus session. First message was Living the Life Without Compromise, Second message was Living the Life at Workplace, and the most interesting for me is the 3rd message, Living the Life in the Last Days. The messages are mostly based on the Book of Daniel, plus Revelation 13. (too long a message to blog it all out.) The Bonus Session is more of finding your right partner in life – Set some principles in your love life. Eg ; Guy must initiate, your family in-laws…
But well, we ought to learn something in anything that we get involved in. Different people get different revelation from our input. After listening to the intellectual speeches, I realized that my general knowledge is shallow, extremely shallow. I look at things only at the surface, focus on the things that are not important in life. Well, not that I do not read, I follow TIMES, Newsweek, National Geographic… Well, I’m not much of a newspaper person, but things ought to change though.
For this holidays, my schedule is up till 19th of July – the important and significant day, “youth praying for the nation, going to be held in Kluang, Johor, from 8am till 8pm.”
Of course the first week of the holidays, spending time with family, followed by a whole week in Johor, and the next in PD, back to Johor, then Sarawak, then Johor again. Might be stopping in KL in between trips. Well, we plan but God decides.
I need to read more this holiday. Well, trying to finish the book that I started a long long time ago, “why does God allow suffering”. Followed by a The Age Of Turbulence, by Alan Greenspan, well, it’s a very very thick book. But the most important book to finish is my bible. Well, to tell the truth, I haven’t finished the whole bible from cover to cover. Ashamed by it, but that is the truth. What a big hypocrite, telling people about my God when I hardly know Him personally. Well, I realized that I read the book of James, Daniel quite a number of times, but there are some books in the bible that I never finish reading.
Some other things that I HOPE to achieve during this holidays are learning a bit about video editing, cooking, photography, yeah, that’s about it for now.
To Asvin : I watched gossip girls, a bit here and there. Well, its more of your movie, not my type. Hehhehe… I like the way they dress up though. =D
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
1 Peter 2:9
1 comment:
Praise GOD!!! I pray that God will reveal more of His plans to you and empower you more with His Word to face challenges ahead...
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