This is written by someone I know, during a time when she is depress and confused. Not knowing what lies ahead. Soak in tears, this is what she wrote and told God.
Lord, Sovereign Lord,
You know I love You,
From the bottom of my heart.
Please Lord Groom me Lord.
I place my trust in You.
I know Lord You love me.
You heal the sick,
Heal the dead
I know You love me the same as you love Lazarus
I know I am Your creation.
I surrender all Lord to you.
Only you know my true heart.
I just want to glorify You Lord.
You hear my cries in the silence,
Much tears have been shared through this journey.
But Lord, please don’t let it end here.
You have given me much,
And I thank You for my that.
I read and hear much about You Lord
Please Lord, let me experience You for real.
You know I love You,
From the bottom of my heart.
Please Lord Groom me Lord.
I place my trust in You.
I know Lord You love me.
You heal the sick,
Heal the dead
I know You love me the same as you love Lazarus
I know I am Your creation.
I surrender all Lord to you.
Only you know my true heart.
I just want to glorify You Lord.
You hear my cries in the silence,
Much tears have been shared through this journey.
But Lord, please don’t let it end here.
You have given me much,
And I thank You for my that.
I read and hear much about You Lord
Please Lord, let me experience You for real.
All these waiting, all these testing,
Please grant me strength Lord.
For You alone understands my heart’s desire.
Thank you for the shoulder to cry on,
Thank you for all the encouraging people,
Lord, strengthen me Lord
Please grant me strength Lord.
For You alone understands my heart’s desire.
Thank you for the shoulder to cry on,
Thank you for all the encouraging people,
Lord, strengthen me Lord
May I not be a burden to anyone Lord,
Lord, as I seek and cry to You with all my heart,
Hear me O Lord.
Through this darkness, I know You’ll be my light.
I can turn to no one Lord but You.
Who knows what I really feel inside but You Lord?
Lord, as I seek and cry to You with all my heart,
Hear me O Lord.
Through this darkness, I know You’ll be my light.
I can turn to no one Lord but You.
Who knows what I really feel inside but You Lord?
Help me to understand this wonderful plan of Yours.
Lord, I may be strong in front of million,
But give me the strength to face myself
I do not expect anyone to understand,
For I myself do not understand
Please use me O Lord, as You desire,
But grant me also my heart’s desire as I cry out to You.
Lord, I may be strong in front of million,
But give me the strength to face myself
I do not expect anyone to understand,
For I myself do not understand
Please use me O Lord, as You desire,
But grant me also my heart’s desire as I cry out to You.
I’m ready to be obedient to You
For I know this is a form of worship
And I do want to glorify You
I do not want to stop praying Lord,
For I believe that you will hear and answer my prayers accordingly.
As I continue to walk this path,
May I be able to glorify You till my last breath.
Allow me to see the joy and peace Lord,
Through these trails and testing.
I proclaim that you are the Lord of my Life.
I need you Lord!
I need you!
I need You!
I love you Lord and I commit all, Lord into your hands.
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;Praise Him, all creatures here below;Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
For I know this is a form of worship
And I do want to glorify You
I do not want to stop praying Lord,
For I believe that you will hear and answer my prayers accordingly.
As I continue to walk this path,
May I be able to glorify You till my last breath.
Allow me to see the joy and peace Lord,
Through these trails and testing.
I proclaim that you are the Lord of my Life.
I need you Lord!
I need you!
I need You!
I love you Lord and I commit all, Lord into your hands.
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;Praise Him, all creatures here below;Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
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