I’ve watched a couple of movies these few days. One of it is Batman(Dark Knight). Well, it’s a good movie, no doubt. Besides that i'm freezing in the cinema even with two huge guys beside me.
The part that amazed me the most is the part where the two ships are to blow up each other. (can’t say too much, better go watch it for your own.)
The thing that caught my attention the most is that when the convict took the remote control for the boom. Saying, “I’m now doing what you’re supposed to do 10 minutes ago.” I thought that he’s going to press the button and *BOOM*!!! but then, instead to my surprise, he threw it into the sea.
The action that he just did, how many ordinary people, well educated person, wealthy people can do the same?
Put myself in his shoes, well, I’m not sure what I would have done.
Another movie that I’ve just finished watching is TWO FOR THE MONEY.
The wife in the movie, her actions really touched me. She never gave up on her husband. He bet on her, he spoke to her rudely, he even did not trust her. She still cared for him more than herself. At the last part where she’s accuse of having an affair, she still told him this, “I’m not going to give up on you, NEVER!!!”
Having to live with such a person, how long can we hold on? But well, its commitment and the willingness to sacrifice that make her so wonderful.
In these two movies, we can see that people’s actions are unpredictable. And that no matter how good we think we are, when desperate time comes, can we still think logically according to our believes and the values that we set?
Is a PHD holder any better than a High school dropout when it comes to making certain decisions? We learn different stuff from different people. No matter how high we go, we ought to humble ourselves and respect others, and there are more things out there to learn from them that we cannot find in books.
A little update on the things that are happening around:
1. Has MYPG just ended? No, its just a new beginning!!! Next is held in Sabah.
2. 40 days fast and pray just started, time to put our nation in God’s hand.
3. Children’s Party is coming up, 16th August, all who are still children are invited.
How true indeed. Although I found Dark Knight too long, and the joker outplayed Batman. well, they dont make movies for nuts you know.
Joker is a really well played role. He went all out for the character. =D
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