Well, it was really fun in the SOARING THE EAGLE camp. It was compulsory, but after stepping foot into KLCC, thought came “lets just enjoy it.” Yeah, so, that’s about it.
We gathered at KLCC, thanks to Azeim’s mum that fetched us to Kelana Jaya with the overweight luggage. From then, we went together, Asvin, Amir, Azeim and I.
There weren’t much the first day, but I meet a very dear Indon girl. DIBY!!! Yeah, that’s her name. She wakes up earlier than me every single day take her bath and will wait for this sleepy head to wake up. Admire her always positive attitude.
Well, entering the class, so many unfamiliar faces, then news came that we’re going to combine with Samba 3. First thing came into my mind was ASVIN, yeah, with her around; I can feel free to be louder. Hahaa..
Then, we got into our respective groups.
Here are our members :
First is Ashvin, the guy that is 186cm tall, man of few words. Got to know him more after finding out that he brought cards to the camp. Well, its amazing how we remember people in different ways. Well, he’s tall, very tall and of cos friendly as well.
Secondly, Jojo, the Artist in the group. Much credit have to be given to her for all the amazing drawings on all our presentation. A very bubbly girl that cheers your day up.
Thirdly, Ali aka Ryan.C - , the host of the “American Idol”. Extremely thin guy that I think is very much lighter than me. A smoker that runs like the wind during sports.
Then came Ainaa, the gentle soul. The way she approaches people is very calming, got to know her more during the walk by the beach at night. Btw, she’s also my housemate. =D
Besides that, there’s Toh, very fair guy, with funny personality. Easy to get along with and doesn’t complain much, he’s ok with most of the decisions the group make.
Followed by Fatin, our AMERICAN IDOL winner, stunning voice and good showmanship. Good when playing Bola Jaring, but sprained the ankle while playing with ganas people like me.
Azli, the guy who doesn’t talk to me much for the pass two years but amazing spoke quite a lot to me during the camp. Well, what can I say, this camp works wonders. But then Azli, I found a guy prettier than you in the camp(pretty boy – Faizi)
Fazreen, the forever cool guy that goes about things slowly and is extremely calm. The guy who can’t detect my voice and loves to play winning eleven.
Last but not least in the group is this small little girl who is bloggig.
Really happy to be in this group. A combination of different talent, different personalities and so time consuming, but it still manage to bring the best out of eack and everyone there.
Well, this camp is really BLASTING, its more than what I can imagine. Got to know lots of great people around. Shared some laughter, cry, shouts, and bunch of fun.
There were too many things happening in the camp that is indescribable. Too many details and too many people to thank.
Learned much from my facilitators and these fellow amazing friends.
Shall be blogging more when I get the time and also internet connection. Thanks so much guys, you all really made this a memorable camp and well, friendships starts with a spark but time will definitely turn us into fiery burning flame that will last.
And our war cry created by Ali, Jojo and Ash, shouted be all :
I say burgh!
Its cool in here I feel Syntium’s Spirit in the atmosphere,
I say ayeyaeyya..ah..
I say ooh..ahh (x3)
Here are some of the sports photos :
And some Casa Racardo food :
Shared some waiting time together :
Miss you all, do keep in touch. Thank you all for the wonderful experience!!!
I look so gay in the picture.
waaaa serena i miss uu!!
totally agree, this camp was a BLAST. hehe.
@ ash: hahaha, i cant stop laughing ash
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semelokertes marchimundui
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