Praise the LORD. The waiting time is finally over (for now). Waiting time is indeed a time that we learn to pray more, lean on God, learn more about Him, share more, cry more, etc…
Results are finally out!!! Praise the Lord, I’m going to UK, finally. (shouting, jumping up and down, bursting out in joy)
Let’s see what happened between after the exams and before the results are out.
1. Keeping myself pretty occupied, hoping that I won’t have time to think about it. (traveling around, covered : Kluang, Batu Pahat, PD, Kuantan, Kuching, Shah Alam, Melaka, etc… plus helping out at home)
2. It’s a forbidden thing to talk about the results. No questions, strictly for those who know me well enough. No talking about winter clothing, new stuff that you’ll need in UK, strictly no SHOPPING yet.
3. Praying, crying out, and weeping, for a miracle. I prayed, “God, if you don’t help me this time, no one can, I’m counting on you. I need a miracle.”
4. Don’t discuss much about being an Offshore Engineer. When people ask, “what are you doing now?” the answer was, “well, am just waiting for my results and will decide later.” Thinking in my mind, “please please please don’t ask anything further”
5. Got to meet up and made quite a number of friends, from all around.
6. Learned to be patience.
7. Learned to sleep through anything that comes our way, “pray, be still and fall asleep”
8. Watched almost all the movies in the cinema (English). Plus watched SHARK, Private Practice, Gossip girls, etc.
9. Manage to catch up with some readings.
10. Managing fear and worries, changing it into prayers, hard work, and self control skills.
Special thanks to those who have kept me in prayers.
“From the prophecies in the book of Zechariah, we are assured that He who has begun a good work in us will also finish it.”, “its not the end of the world”
Yeah, that’s how my mum comforts me.
Despite all the head knowledge about resting in the Lord, fear not, worry not, be still, don’t be anxious… well, I confess that many a times, I do all of the above.
It is not that easy for 2 and a half month to pass just like that. But God is always GOOD. He once again brought me through this “determining” period of my life.
For those who did better than me, praise the Lord. Keep it up. For those who are not satisfied, here’s something comforting and true. “well, not everyone who do well now do well in the later stage in their life, and not all who fails now are failures forever, things changes. Do not loose hope, have courage, continue praying.” His ways are beyong our thoughts.
Psalm 17:6
“I call on you, O God, for you will answer me; give ear to me and hear my prayer.”
Prayer, prayer, prayer and prayers... Remember, God is Good, all the time.!!!
Praise the LoRD and thank God for everything.
My dear Ipoh friend,
After reading this blog, I was very touched by its contents. Honestly, Im not a pious person. Not at all. But, you know what, im glad you did well and you are going to UK now, fullfilling your ambitions, although this means that I'm gonna miss you A WHOLE DAMN LOT when you're there.....so keep it up my little Ipoh friend. I'm happy for you.
thanks thanks man!!!
no need to miss me too much le, tell you a secret,
they have internet connection over there too. hehehheee...
That I know la....aduh...but the time difference and all. haha. but i'll miss you still..i really would.
SERENA!!! U going to UK!!! CONGRATZZZZZZZ.....Woohoo!! PRAISE GOD!!!! SO happie for u.........
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