It has been a while since I got the time to update my blog. Since the last post was about the Holy Week, I guess I should continue from there. Well, there was a little gathering at my house on Friday in conjunction of Good Friday.
Never did I know that there are so many unexpected things that may happen in such a short time for such a short activity. But no matter how many unexpected things happen, there is always a way out, people will be sent to help us, and all things will turn out good as long as we don’t give up half way through and continue to pray. It all started in the afternoon, got stuck at a friend’s party and don’t have the transport to get home to prepare for my own, only got home 1 hour before the gathering started. There were suppose to be 11 of us, but in the end, only 8 of us turn out, 1 fell sick and two more had something on the last minute. Our transport guy was called to his own gathering but God is good, He sent a last minute substitute to get our pizza for us. It was a good day, but then it started to rain. Not only that, the car broke down half way and we were caught in the rain, outside Domino’s Pizza. My friend, a non-Christian was like “ you better start praying that the car can get started.” The pizza people were good, gave us the help we need and then the car got started and good to go in just a short time.
The whole gathering went on smoothly after that. A short worship, a short sharing, some questions, and overflowing supply of food, not only that, then came the additional sushi, beverage and also ice-cream from my new housemate’s mum. All of us had a great time, get to know each other a bit better.
It is not easy to plan stuff, especially when you don’t have the workforce needed. So many things that need to foresee. Prayer is need, and faith and work are equally important as well.
Much credit has to be given to Tracy and Chia Huey, for planning so many stuff for the cell and also their commitment. Imagine the number of phone calls they have to make, making sure that every details are taken care off, taking care of each and every member’s needs, often I overlooked the preparations that they have done for us. All the outing, the cell gathering, even weekend church meetings. Lets say I get about 10 messages from them every week, times with the number of people they message, plus the additional messages for certain follow up, its time consuming and a long list in your bills. The good thing about them is that they are not calculative when it comes to doing God’s work.
Maybe we should help them out here and there, if each and everyone takes care of a small thing, it will make their life easier. Or the least we can do is don’t complain!!! Well, maybe it is the human nature, it is not good enough, I don’t agree with this, I don’t agree with that. Well, suggestion is need to improve what we’re going through, but a helping hand is also needed much. Going through all these with high opportunity cost of relaxing at home, its their love for God and their love for man that keep them going I suppose.
No matter what we’re going through, continue to persevere and rely upon the strength of the Lord. Something I learned while growing in this church is that when problems come, we should pray for strength to overcome it, and not pray that the problem disappear. Well, its easier said than done, but you’ll not know until you really experience it for your own. We should not that God’s work lightly and more to that, prayer is the secret recipe to a successful planning. =D