I’m writing this blog because I do not know that to write on my assignment. I should just perhaps write a short summary of my birthday.

The 21st birthday is suppose to be the BIG event for many. It is suppose to be one of the most memorable birthdays ever. Well, we have the sweet 16, and when we turn 21 and 40 and 60 and 70 etc.
When you’re 21, it means that you are no longer a teenager, you’re now a young adult. Now, I have to be more responsible of my actions, accountable of my actions and make decisions on my own and accept whatever consequences that results.

Well, everyone has been so busy preparing for the grand Malaysia Night, busy with studies, assignments, church etc. My Malay buddies, out of their busyness, manage to squeeze out time for a little party, pizza and cake. (Special thanks to Kak Nadya, Iylia, Hanis, Hari, Amir, Azli, Fahim, Pei Pei, AL, Helmi, Faiz, Khairul, Wynne, Lucia, Ally, Mable, Ben[who is not there in person], Syammi, Firha etc). When blowing out the candles, I was told that I have 3 wishes. I stood there for a while, well, I do not know what to wish for, I haven’t got time to sit down and think of what my 21st birthday wish would be. So at the spot, I wished for 3 general things. First is that God will cover my family with the blood of Christ. Secondly, that God will bless the hungry children and thirdly, that all my friends, including myself will be successful in whatever we’re doing. Well, that was birthday eve.

Then, on the actual day, we went for a good proper lunch(Wynne, Alex Lawrence and I!!!). Finally, no sandwich and crips for lunch. We’re actually eating real food. We went to China Town and had real Dim Sum and called a few dishes. Thanks to brother Lawrence who generously foot the bill. Then, at night, we had to go home and finish up our assignments.

The day after the big day, Amir brought me to Nandos. We had a long chat, you never know how much of your friend’s life you’re missing out on unless we really have the time to sit down and talk. Its good old friend bonding time. So many things that we overlook when we are busy.
The best is all my sisters text me at the same time(Malaysian time) on my birthday. We chatted for quite some time and time flies. My brother, however, own me a big one. Since he asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I simply replied, “I’ll ask for a big one in 2012, when I get to celebrate in Malaysia again” My mom sent me to loveliest email, it is a prayer for me for my birthday. This is priceless, so much blessings and love in it.
ASH called all the way from Malaysia to wish me, but I missed both of his call. Hehhehee.. But eventually, we got in touch, had a good chat and updating on what’s going on time.
Thanks for all the face book wishes!!! Too many to reply, but I’ll reply everyone in due time. =D
Thanks for the gifts and the effort and even the thought. These memories are indeed something money cannot buy and is something that will last.
God has been good to me, the fact that I am here is because of His grace and mercy. Some of my friends are born knowing that they have the chance to come to UK and study, but for me, this is a real privilege, with God’s blessings, parents wisdom, and everyone’s encouragement. This life for me is full of surprises and I have the assurance that God will provide everything for us for His glory. I’ll continue to walk by faith, knowing that God will be my true friend and hero, who will stick with me at anytime, any situation, any place.
Ending my day by listening to the word of God. I chose the book of revelation, chapter 1. Out of the blues, but it’s a good book. How is the day complete without God in it.